
Learn the skills of a photographer and become a master of light by booking Darren Smith for one of his courses.

As a qualified teacher, Darren has taught full day and half day courses on the skills and techniques of photography and design since 2002. These courses offer a taster to the art of photography for all age groups.

Darren has also lectured in the Kararis Theatre at the University of Manchester.

Darren Smith has a valid DBS (CRB) check and is cleared to work with children.

Darren smith photography courses:1 Getting to know your equipment

Course 1: Getting to know your camera

Being familiar with your camera is the first thing that you should be looking at.

Browsing the manual and taking a few pictures is one thing, knowing the limits of what you can do is another. This course show some of the tips and tricks available to get the most out of your equipment. This course can take place anywhere of interest to the student(s), a park, a street, a garden, indoors or outdoors.

Participants on this course will learn:

  • Camera settings and how they affect your images.
  • Composition.
  • How to get the most out of your camera.
  • Simple post-production photography (scale, reprinting, editing, cropping composition, alignments).
  • Image value and creative ways to use your images.
Darren smith photography courses:2 What to do with your photographs

Course 2: What to do with your photographs

We all have photographs around, some have albums, some have social networks but we all see a photograph in a different way.

This session is aimed at turning your images into something other than a file or a piece of glossy paper.

Participants on this course will learn:

  • How to see an image.
  • How to get the most out of your image.
  • Composition.
  • Simple post-production photography (scale, reprinting, editing,Cropping, composition and alignments).
  • How to print your images accurately
  • Choosing your best for a portfolio.
Darren smith photography courses:3 Indoor practical workshop

Course 3: Indoor practical workshop

This workshop allows students to familiarise themselves with their own camera equipment and specialises in composition, depth of field and lighting.

This session will be primarily indoors in a public building, at home or with Darren Smith in his studio, depending upon the nature and requirements of the student(s).

The main aim is to build confidence with your camera and to lift your photography to a higher level.

Participants on this course will learn:

  • Building confidence with your camera.
  • How to 'see' a photograph.
  • How light affects your photograph.
  • How image perception affects your photograph.
  • How composition affects your photograph.
  • How lens choice affects your photograph.
  • Camera settings and how they affect your image.
  • Simple post-production photography (scale, reprinting, editing, cropping, composition and alignments).
  • Image value and creative ways to use your images.
Darren smith photography courses:4 Outdoor practical workshop

Course 4: Outdoor practical workshop.

This workshop allows students to familiarise themselves with their own camera equipment and specialises in composition, observation and lighting.

This session will be primarily outdoors in either a city or in the open countryside depending upon the nature and requirements of the student(s).

The main aim is to build confidence with your camera and to lift your photography to a higher level.

Participants on this course will learn:

  • Building confidence with your camera.
  • How to 'see' a photograph.
  • How light affects your photograph.
  • How image perception affects your photograph.
  • How composition affects your photograph.
  • How lens choice affects your photograph.
  • How location affects your photograph..
  • Camera settings and how they affect your image.
  • Image value and creative ways to use your images.


Costs start from £90 for a 2 hour tutorial and Q+A session

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